PBKS को KKR के स्पिनर्स को बाहर निकालना मुश्किल होगा।
शुक्रवार को KKR v/s PBKS, PBKS इस सीज़न आठ में से छह मैचों में हार गया है और टूर्नामेंट की अंक तालिका में नौवें स्थान पर हैं। KKR ने सात में से पांच मैच जीते हैं और IPL 2024 के प्ले-ऑफ में जगह बनाए हुए हैं। अब तक दोनों टीमों ने 32 मैच खेले हैं, जिसमें KKR 21 और PBKS 11 जीते हैं। ईडन गार्डंस में खेले गए 12 में से नौ मैचों में KKR ने जीत दर्ज की है।
नारायण-सॉल्ट की ओपनिंग जोड़ी PBKS को चिंतित करेगी
इस सीज़न, सुनील नारायण और फ़िल सॉल्ट की ओपनिंग जोड़ी ने KKR के लिए शानदार प्रदर्शन किया है। इस सीज़न में इन दोनों ने लगभग 12 रन प्रति ओवर रन बटोरे हैं और तीसरी सबसे तेज़ रन बनाने वाली जोड़ी रहे हैं। नारायण और सॉल्ट की बदौलत, KKR ने पावरप्ले में लगभग 11 रन प्रति ओवर से रन बनाए हैं और पावरप्ले में दूसरी सबसे जल्दी रन बनाने वाली टीम रहे हैं। सॉल्ट ने तेज़ गेंदबाजों के खिलाफ 176 रन और स्पिनर्स के खिलाफ 138 रन बनाए हैं। नारायण ने दूसरी ओर तेज़ गेंदबाजों के खिलाफ 160 और स्पिनर्स के खिलाफ 229 रन बनाए हैं।
यदि आप रसल को रोकना चाहते हैं, तो हर्षल को लाओ।
PBKS के खिलाफ Andre Ross ने 200 की स्ट्राइक-रेट से 408 रन बनाए हैं। यह उनकी किसी भी टीम के खिलाफ IPL में सर्वोच्च स्ट्राइक रेट है। रसल अब तक ईडन गार्डंस में 79 छक्के लगा चुके हैं, जो इस मैदान पर सर्वाधिक छक्के लगाने वाले बल्लेबाज हैं। PBKS के लिए रसल को रोकना अत्यंत महत्वपूर्ण होगा और इसके लिए हर्षल पटेल का उपयोग किया जाना चाहिए। रसल चार पारियों में दो बार हर्षल का शिकार बन चुके हैं और उनका स्ट्राइक-रेट केवल 134.6 है। रसल को नौ पारियों में तीन बार सैम करन ने भी आउट किया है, लेकिन उनके ख़िलाफ़ रसल का स्ट्राइक-रेट 221.4 का है
PBKS के टॉप ऑर्डर को रन बनाना होगा
PBKS का टॉप ऑर्डर बुरी तरह असफल रहा है और टीम इसका भुगतान कर रही है। इस सीज़न में 1-5 नंबर के बल्लेबाजों ने आठ पारियों में 794 रन (लगभग 21 की औसत और 125 की स्ट्राइक-रेट) बनाए हैं। 6-8 नंबर के बल्लेबाजों ने भी उतनी ही पारियों में 487 रन बनाए हैं। विशिष्ट रूप से, इन बल्लेबाजों ने लगभग 35 की औसत और 158 की स्ट्राइक रेट से रन बनाए हैं। टीम आशुतोष और शशांक जैसे अनकैप्ड खिलाड़ियों पर बहुत निर्भर है। इन दोनों ने 44.25 की औसत और 177 की स्ट्राइक रेट से 354 रन बनाए हैं। जबकि दूसरे बल्लेबाजों ने 20 से भी कम की औसत और 127 की स्ट्राइक-रेट से 946 रन बनाए हैं।
KKR के स्पिन मायाजाल से कैसे निपटेगी PBKS?
PBKS स्पिनर्स से 2022 से लेकर अब तक सबसे धीमी बल्लेबाजी करने वाली टीम है। इस टीम ने स्पिनर्स के खिलाफ 22 रन का औसत बनाया है और 7.1 रन प्रति ओवर बनाए हैं। इस सीज़न वे स्पिनर्स से सबसे अधिक परेशान होते दिख रहे हैं। इस सीज़न, PBKS ने 126 की स्ट्राइक-रेट और 22.7 की औसत से 410 रन बनाए हैं। उन्होंने स्पिनर्स के खिलाफ इस सीज़न में सर्वाधिक 18 विकेट गंवाए हैं। LSG (120) और GT (122) स्पिनर्स से कम स्ट्राइक-रेट रखते हैं।
लोकसभा चुनाव के पहले चरण के नजदीक आते ही Uttarakhand CM Dhami शुक्रवार सुबह खटीमा में सुबह की सैर के दौरान लोगों से कुमाऊंनी बोली में बातचीत करते नजर आए। सीएम दामी स्कूली बच्चों को ले जा रही बस में भी चढ़े और उनकी सुरक्षा के बारे में जानकारी ली.
खटीमा में घूमते हुए उन्होंने रास्ते में मिलने वाले हर व्यक्ति को कुमाऊंनी में प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी का ‘राम-राम’ संदेश दिया। प्रधानमंत्री ने लोगों से लोकसभा चुनाव में वोट डालने का भी आग्रह किया।
11 अप्रैल को विदेश मंत्री धामी ने प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी की मौजूदगी में ऋषिकेश में एक चुनावी रैली को संबोधित किया था. रैली के दौरान उन्होंने प्रधानमंत्री मोदी को रैली मंच पर उत्तराखंड के कारीगरों द्वारा बनाया गया ‘हुड़का’ (संगीत वाद्ययंत्र) भेंट किया।
रैली को संबोधित करते हुए धामी ने कहा, “देश अब जाग चुका है, प्रगति कर चुका है और बदल चुका है।” जिन लोगों ने देश में ‘आपातकाल’ लगाया, समाज को जातियों में बांटा और कई घोटाले किए, उन्हें अब पीएम मोदी की चिंता हो रही है क्योंकि प्रधानमंत्री का मंत्र है ‘ना खाऊंगा न खाने दूंगा’।
“एनडीए ने माला राज्य लक्ष्मी शाह, अनिल बलूनी, अजय टम्टा, अजय भट्ट और त्रिवेन्द्र सिंह रावत को मैदान में उतारा है। टेहरी गढ़वाल, गढ़वाल, अल्मोडा (एससी), नैनीताल-उधम सिंह नगर और हरिद्वार लोकसभा निर्वाचन क्षेत्रों से।
भारत ने जोत सिंह गुंटसोला (कांग्रेस), गणेश गोदियाल (कांग्रेस), प्रदीप टम्टा (कांग्रेस), प्रकाश जोशी (कांग्रेस) और को नामांकित किया है। वीरेंद्र रावत (कांग्रेस) को टिहरी गढ़वाल, गढ़वाल, अल्मोडा (एससी), नैनीताल-उधमसिंह नगर और हरिद्वार लोकसभा निर्वाचन क्षेत्रों के लिए अपना उम्मीदवार बनाया गया है।
वहीं, उत्तराखंड में दो लोकसभा सीटें हैं-नैनीताल-उधमसिंह नगर और अल्मोडा. कुमाऊं क्षेत्र की शेष तीन सीटें – हरिद्वार, टिहरी गढ़वाल और गढ़वाल (पौड़ी) – गढ़वाल क्षेत्र में हैं।
उत्तराखंड की सभी संसदीय सीटें जीतने के बाद भाजपा को यहां की पांचों लोकसभा सीटों पर फिर से जीत हासिल करने की उम्मीद है। 2014 और 2019 के आम चुनावों में राज्य
भारत निर्वाचन आयोग ने लोकसभा चुनावों में Voting percentage बढ़ाने दिये निर्देश
मुख्य निर्वाचन आयुक्त श्री राजीव कुमार ने नगर निगम आयुक्तों और जिला निर्वाचन अधिकारियों को Voting percentage बढ़ाने के निर्देश दिये हैं। उन्होंने कहा कि मतदाता जागरुकता कार्यक्रम को एक अभियान के रूप में संचालित करें, जिससे मतदाता मतदान करने के लिये स्वयं प्रेरित हों। नई दिल्ली में आज ‘मतदान में कम सहभागिता विषय पर सम्मेलन’ में प्रमुख शहरों के नगर निगम आयुक्तों और कुछ जिला निर्वाचन अधिकारियों ने मतदाता भागीदारी बढ़ाने की दि शा में अतिरिक्त प्रयास करने के लिए एक साथ विचार-विमर्श किया। इस अवसर पर आयोग द्वारा मतदाताओं की उदासीनता पर एक पुस्तिका का विमोचन भी किया गया।
सीईसी श्री राजीव कुमार ने कहा कि कम Voting percentage वाले कुल 266 संसदीय निर्वाचन क्षेत्रों (215 ग्रामीण और 51 शहरी) की पहचान की गई है। उन्होंने मतदान केंद्रों पर कतार प्रबंधन, भीड़भाड़ वाले इलाकों में पार्किंग जैसी सुविधा प्रदान करने की बहुआयामी रणनीति पर जोर दिया। मुख्य चुनाव आयुक्त श्री कुमार ने बढ़ी हुई भागीदारी और व्यवहार परिवर्तन के लिए बूथवार कार्य योजना तैयार करने का निर्देश दिया। उन्होंने सभी नगर निगम आयुक्तों और डीईओ को शहरी और ग्रामीण क्षेत्रों के लिए अलग-अलग रणनीति तैयार करने और अलग-अलग लक्षित मतदाताओं के लिए योजना बनाने के निर्देश दिये। इस तरह से कार्य करें कि मतदाताओं में लोकतांत्रिक उत्सव में भाग लेने का गौरव भाव पैदा हो। चुनाव आयुक्त श्री ज्ञानेश कुमार और सुखवीर सिंह संधु ने भी महत्वपूर्ण सुझाव दिये।
सम्मेलन में दिल्ली, मुंबई, चेन्नई, बंगलुरु, हैदराबाद, अहमदाबाद, पुणे, ठाणे, नागपुर, पटना साहिब, लखनऊ और कानपुर के नगर निगम आयुक्तों के साथ-साथ बिहार और उत्तरप्रदेश के चुनिंदा जिला निर्वाचन अधिकारियों ने भाग लिया। साथ ही बिहार, उत्तरप्रदेश, महाराष्ट्र और दिल्ली के मुख्य निर्वाचन पदाधिकारियों ने भी सम्मेलन में भाग लिया। सम्मेलन में 7 राज्यों कर्नाटक, गुजरात, मध्यप्रदेश, राजस्थान, तमिलनाडु, तेलंगाना और पंजाब के मुख्य निर्वाचन पदाधिकारी भी वर्चुअली शामिल हुए।
मतदान प्रतिशत बढ़ाने विशेष अभियान जारी – श्री राजन
मुख्य निर्वाचन पदाधिकारी श्री अनुपम राजन ने सम्मेलन में कहा कि मध्यप्रदेश में मतदान प्रतिशत बढ़ाने के लिये विशेष अभियान चलाया जा रहा है। विगत विधानसभा निर्वाचन में प्रदेश के जिन 26 जिलों के 75 विधानसभा क्षेत्रों में मतदान का प्रतिशत कम था, वहां मतदाता जागरुकता वाहन के माध्यम से मतदाताओं को जागरुक किया जा रहा है। लघु फिल्म, स्लोगन, पोस्टर के माध्यम से मतदाताओं को मतदान का महत्व और लोकतंत्र में उनके एक वोट की क्या कीमत है, के बारे में जागरुक किया जा रहा है। जिला लेवल पर पेंटिंग, स्लोगन, लेखन की प्रतियोगिताएँ आयोजित की जायेंगी, जिसमें सभी उम्र के मतदाता सहभागी बन सकते है। प्रतियोगिताओं में पुरस्कार का भी प्रावधान किया गया है। ट्रू कॉलर, यूपीआई पेमेंट, सोशल मीडिया इन्फल्यूएंसर, स्वच्छता वाहन के माध्यम से भी मतदाता जागरुकता कार्यक्रम चलाए जा रहे है। उचित मूल्य दुकानों, अस्पतालों, शॉपिंग मॉल, पेट्रोल पम्पों में पोस्टर, बैनर आदि के माध्यम से मतदाता जागरुकता कार्यक्रम चलाया जाएगा। रहवासी समितियों के साथ भी बैठक कर मतदान के लिये प्रोत्साहित किया जायेगा। आंगनवाड़ी केन्द्रों में मंगल दिवस पर महिलाओं को मतदान के प्रति जागरुक किया जा रहा है। इस दौरान संयुक्त मुख्य निर्वाचन पदाधिकारी श्री मनोज खत्री और श्री बसंत कुर्रे सहित अन्य अधिकारी उपस्थित थे।
Shubman Gill: आगामी इंडियन प्रीमियर लीग (आईपीएल) 2024 से पहले, गुजरात टाइटंस (जीटी) के कप्तान Shubman Gill ने सोमवार को फ्रेंचाइजी के प्रशिक्षण शिविर में प्रवेश किया।
गुजरात स्थित फ्रेंचाइजी एक्स (पूर्व में ट्विटर) के आधिकारिक अकाउंट ने 24 वर्षीय की एक तस्वीर साझा की। आईपीएल 2024 से पहले टीम में शामिल होने पर ओल्ड का भव्य स्वागत किया गया।
जीटी ने एक्स को लिखा: “घर में आपका स्वागत है, कैप्टन गिल! हमारा कैप्टन आधिकारिक तौर पर उतर चुका है।”
इंडियन प्रीमियर लीग (आईपीएल) का 17वां सीजन 22 मार्च से शुरू हो रहा है, जब गत चैंपियन चेन्नई सुपर किंग्स (सीएसके) मैसाचुसेट्स के चिदंबरम स्टेडियम में दक्षिण भारतीय डर्बी में रॉयल चैलेंजर्स बैंगलोर से भिड़ेगी।
पिछले साल की उपविजेता गुजरात टाइटंस और पांच बार की चैंपियन मुंबई इंडियंस 24 मार्च को अहमदाबाद में भिड़ेंगी। स्टार ऑलराउंडर हार्दिक पंड्या के इस कदम से मैच ने खूब सुर्खियां बटोरीं।
उनकी पूर्व फ्रेंचाइजी एमआई के पास जीटी में दो शानदार सीज़न थे, उन्होंने कप्तान के रूप में अपने पहले सीज़न में 2022 में टीम कप जीता। इस बार रोहित शर्मा की जगह पंड्या मुंबई की कमान संभालेंगे जबकि शुभमन गिल ने कप्तानी संभाली है.
जीटी उसी दिन, राजस्थान रॉयल्स और लखनऊ सुपर जाइंट्स जयपुर में अपना अभियान शुरू करेंगे।
ओवरलॉर्ड: होली किंगडम आर्क के रोमांचक टीज़र ने प्रशंसकों को उत्साहित कर दिया है। यहां स्टूडियो मैडहाउस के आगामी प्रोजेक्ट के बारे में वह सब कुछ है जो आपको जानना आवश्यक है।
ओवरलॉर्ड: द होली किंगडम [छवि क्रेडिट – स्टूडियो मैडहाउस, क्रंच्यरोल] उत्साह अब तक के उच्चतम स्तर पर है क्योंकि लोकप्रिय ओवरलॉर्ड एनिमेटेड श्रृंखला के प्रशंसकों को आगामी फिल्म “द होली किंगडम” का पहला लुक मिला है। एक नई टीज़र छवि भी जारी की गई है, जिससे नए रोबल होली किंगडम के लिए उम्मीदें बढ़ गई हैं। तो बिना किसी देरी के, यहां वह सब कुछ है जो आपको नई फिल्म के बारे में जानने की जरूरत है।
ओवरलॉर्ड मूवी: न्यू होली किंगडम आर्क टीज़र
27 फरवरी, 2024 को, लोकप्रिय एनीमे श्रृंखला “ओवरलॉर्ड” के प्रशंसकों को आधिकारिक वेबसाइट और सोशल मीडिया पर नई फिल्म “होली किंगडम आर्क” के दूसरे मुख्य दृश्य की रिलीज के साथ एक रोमांचक घोषणा का सामना करना पड़ा। बहुप्रतीक्षित फिल्म 2024 में सिनेमाघरों में रिलीज होने के लिए तैयार है और ओवरलॉर्ड ब्रह्मांड में नए क्षेत्र का पता लगाने का वादा करती है। हाल ही में जारी की गई टीज़र छवि में फिल्म की मुख्य किरदार ऐंज ऊल गाउन को नाटकीय मुद्रा में दिखाया गया है जैसे कि वह आसमान से गिर रही हो। एइन्टेस एक फटा हुआ वस्त्र पहनता है और ऐसा प्रतीत होता है कि वह एक नए साम्राज्य के अंधेरे दायरे में है। स्थानीय अटकलों के बावजूद,ऐंज ऊल गाउन के भाग्य के बारे में विवरण एक रहस्य बना हुआ है।
एनीमेजापान 2024 में रिलीज़ विवरण और उत्पाद प्रस्तुति
ओवरलॉर्ड के सिनेमाई प्रोजेक्ट को लेकर उत्साह लगातार बढ़ रहा है क्योंकि फ्रेंचाइजी का प्रीमियर एनीमेजापान 2024 में होने वाला है। आगंतुक सीमित संस्करण का माल खरीद सकते हैं और फिल्म के निर्माण की एक झलक पा सकते हैं। 23 और 24 मार्च को कडोकावा बूथ पर, प्रशंसकों को फिल्म के रोमांचक प्रमुख दृश्यों वाले पोस्टर खरीदने और आगामी रिलीज की प्रत्याशा का जश्न मनाने का अवसर मिलेगा। इसके अलावा, विभिन्न व्यापारिक वस्तुएँ बेची जाती हैं, जिनमें एंज की ऊनी पोशाक और अल्बेडो की पोशाक शामिल है, जो एक थीम पार्क गाइड की याद दिलाती है। बैज से लेकर ऐक्रेलिक स्टैंडीज़ से लेकरदीवार स्क्रॉल तक, प्रतिभागियों के लिए विकल्प मौजूद हैं। अद्वितीय यादगार वस्तुएं ढूंढें जो आपके पसंदीदा पात्रों को ताज़ा और चंचल रोशनी में मनाती हैं।
“ओवरलॉर्ड” मूवी – होली किंगडम आर्क: प्लॉट विवरण
फिल्म की कहानी क्रंचियोल ओए के तबाह पवित्र राज्य में घटित होती है, जो एक ऐसा क्षेत्र है जो खतरे और साज़िश से भरी एक ऐतिहासिक त्रासदी के मद्देनजर बनाए गए एक विनाश बांध द्वारा लंबे समय तक युद्ध के कहर से सुरक्षित रहा है। यह एक दिलचस्प कहानी का वादा करता है. लेकिन राज्य की नई शांति तब बिखर जाती है जब दुष्ट शैतान जलदाबाथ एक क्रूर आक्रमण में भयानक अर्ध-मानव जनजातियों के घातक गठबंधन का नेतृत्व करता है।
कई समस्याओं का सामना करते हुए, सेंट रब्बल साम्राज्य के नेताओं को मदद के लिए एक अप्रत्याशित व्यक्ति की ओर मुड़ने के लिए मजबूर होना पड़ता है: अमर राजा ऐन्ज़ ऊल गाउन। जैसे-जैसे गठबंधन बनते हैं और युद्ध छेड़े जाते हैं, राज्यों का भाग्य अधर में लटक जाता है, जो एक रोमांचक सिनेमाई अनुभव के लिए मंच तैयार करता है जो दर्शकों और प्रशंसकों को समान रूप से मंत्रमुग्ध कर देगा।
जैसे-जैसे प्रत्याशा बढ़ती जा रही है, प्रशंसक बेसब्री से रिलीज डेट अपडेट और घोषणाओं के साथ-साथ ओवरलॉर्ड्स होली किंगडम आर्क के फिल्म रूपांतरण के बारे में अधिक जानकारी का इंतजार कर रहे हैं। अंत में, यह अनुभाग उपलब्ध होते ही सभी प्रासंगिक अद्यतनों का उल्लेख करेगा।
Luxury travel is back. The pandemic-weary population is emerging from lockdowns with the goal of relaxing and reviving senses dulled by one zoom meeting too many. Whether it is finally taking the postponed honeymoon, or just getting some time away from home, travellers seeking a uniquely restorative experience can find it at Sunset at the Palms, a boutique Jamaican resort with the tagline, “Sensory Magic”.
Don’t wait. The purpose of our lives is to be happy!
Upon arrival, your senses will be rewarded with the pleasant scent of lemongrass oil used to clean the natural wood found throughout the room, creating a relaxing atmosphere within the space.
A wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet mornings of spring which I enjoy with my whole heart. I am alone, and feel the charm of existence in this spot, which was created for the bliss of souls like mine. I am so happy, my dear friend, so absorbed in the exquisite.
The promotion includes a series of tasting events, and more than 45 area restaurants offer specially created three-course meals priced at $37. celebrates the area’s distinctive fusion of flavors that Greater Fort Lauderdale has to offer. The promotion includes a series of tasting events, and more than 45 area restaurants offer specially- created three-course meals priced at $37.
Sunset at the Palms offers an indulgent, adults-only experience. The resort has always featured its own version of “social distancing,” with just 85 rooms and 25 acres of beachfront and gardens for maximum privacy.
[blockquote align=”none” author=”Steve Jobs”]Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking[/blockquote]
You have the choice of rooms or suites, in one of the resorts “treehouses,” an individual Asian-inspired bungalow featuring private balconies located within lush gardens for privacy, but just steps from the beach, with full amenities, including wi-fi, king-size beds, and luxurious bathrooms.
The Best Restaurants In The Sunset
Sunset at the Palms tantalizes the taste buds with dining options including buffets, a la carte restaurants, room service, and private beach bar and grill amenities. The resort showcases the tastes of the island with Caribbean fusion cuisine, while providing a range of dining options to suit all tastes.
A wonderful moment for enjoying life
“Sunset at the Palms invites travel enthusiasts to experience the healing warmth of the ever-present sunshine,” says Ian Kerr, managing director. The white-sand beaches and tropical foliage in the heart of Negril is designed to provide a truly serene, intimate, and restorative getaway.
Enjoy the menu with many selections:
Buttermilk Pancakes – Available with Strawberry, Cherry, Blueberry, or Apple topping.
Short Stack – An order of two large, fluffy pancakes, available with fruit, nuts, or chocolate topping.
Malted Waffle – A large Belgian waffle made with malted batter.
French Toast – Three slices of Texas toast dipped in a creamy batter.
A weekly cocktail party adds spice to the experience. Relaxing. At the resort’s Ginger Lily Spa, “our mission is to help you relax,” says Kamarla Simms, general manager. Curate your experience from a menu of wraps, scrubs, massages, and facial treatments designed to help you unwind and rejuvenate. A full-service beauty salon is available, along with manicure and pedicure services.
Not how long, but how well you have lived is the main thing.
When you are ready to indulge your sense of excitement, check out the range of water- sports opportunities at the resort’s on-site water-sports center. Want to leave your stress on the water? The resort has kayaks, paddleboards, or the low-key pedal boats. Snorkeling equipment is available as well, so you can experience the ever-changing undersea environment.
Not only do visitors to a bed and breakfast get a unique perspective on the place they are visiting, they have options for special packages not available in other hotel settings. Bed and breakfasts can partner easily with local businesses for a smoothly organized and highly personalized vacation experience. The Fife and Drum Inn offers options such as the Historic Triangle Package that includes three nights at the Inn, breakfasts, and admissions to historic Williamsburg, Jamestown, and Yorktown. Bed and breakfasts also lend themselves to romance.
Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced
Helpful hosts can design guest packages built around proposals, anniversaries, or just a special getaway. Visit fifeanddruminn.com for more details about how a bed and breakfast makes for a memorable travel experience.
Part of the charm of a bed and breakfast is the uniqueness; art, décor, and food are integrated to create a complete experience. For example, the Fife and Drum retains the colonial feel of the area in all its guest rooms. Special features include antique furnishings, elegant four poster beds in some guest rooms, as well folk art and artifacts from the restoration period of the historic area available for guests to enjoy.
Many bed and breakfasts are historic properties, often located in the center of scenic areas. The Fife and Drum Inn has been part of Sharon’s family for generations. The building was constructed in 1933 by her grandfather as a combination of stores with apartments above, and is a short walk to the sights and sounds of Colonial Williamsburg, including the holiday Grand Illumination fireworks display.
Travellers seeking a personal touch and insider stories would do well to consider staying at a local bed and breakfast (B&B).B&Bs “are more intimate, with much more personal attention.
“Sunset at the Palms invites travel enthusiasts to experience the healing warmth of the ever-present sunshine” says Ian Kerr, managing director. The white-sand beaches and tropical foliage in the heart of Negril is designed to provide a truly serene, intimate, and restorative getaway.
Luxury travel is back. The pandemic-weary population is emerging from lockdowns with the goal of relaxing and reviving senses dulled by one zoom meeting too many. Whether it is finally taking the postponed honeymoon, or just getting some time away from home, travellers seeking a uniquely restorative experience can find it at Sunset at the Palms, a boutique Jamaican resort with the tagline, “Sensory Magic”.
Don’t wait. The purpose of our lives is to be happy!
Upon arrival, your senses will be rewarded with the pleasant scent of lemongrass oil used to clean the natural wood found throughout the room, creating a relaxing atmosphere within the space.
A wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet mornings of spring which I enjoy with my whole heart. I am alone, and feel the charm of existence in this spot, which was created for the bliss of souls like mine. I am so happy, my dear friend, so absorbed in the exquisite.
The promotion includes a series of tasting events, and more than 45 area restaurants offer specially created three-course meals priced at $37. celebrates the area’s distinctive fusion of flavors that Greater Fort Lauderdale has to offer. The promotion includes a series of tasting events, and more than 45 area restaurants offer specially- created three-course meals priced at $37.
Sunset at the Palms offers an indulgent, adults-only experience. The resort has always featured its own version of “social distancing,” with just 85 rooms and 25 acres of beachfront and gardens for maximum privacy.
[blockquote align=”none” author=”Steve Jobs”]Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking[/blockquote]
You have the choice of rooms or suites, in one of the resorts “treehouses,” an individual Asian-inspired bungalow featuring private balconies located within lush gardens for privacy, but just steps from the beach, with full amenities, including wi-fi, king-size beds, and luxurious bathrooms.
The Best Restaurants In The Sunset
Sunset at the Palms tantalizes the taste buds with dining options including buffets, a la carte restaurants, room service, and private beach bar and grill amenities. The resort showcases the tastes of the island with Caribbean fusion cuisine, while providing a range of dining options to suit all tastes.
A wonderful moment for enjoying life
“Sunset at the Palms invites travel enthusiasts to experience the healing warmth of the ever-present sunshine,” says Ian Kerr, managing director. The white-sand beaches and tropical foliage in the heart of Negril is designed to provide a truly serene, intimate, and restorative getaway.
Enjoy the menu with many selections:
Buttermilk Pancakes – Available with Strawberry, Cherry, Blueberry, or Apple topping.
Short Stack – An order of two large, fluffy pancakes, available with fruit, nuts, or chocolate topping.
Malted Waffle – A large Belgian waffle made with malted batter.
French Toast – Three slices of Texas toast dipped in a creamy batter.
A weekly cocktail party adds spice to the experience. Relaxing. At the resort’s Ginger Lily Spa, “our mission is to help you relax,” says Kamarla Simms, general manager. Curate your experience from a menu of wraps, scrubs, massages, and facial treatments designed to help you unwind and rejuvenate. A full-service beauty salon is available, along with manicure and pedicure services.
Not how long, but how well you have lived is the main thing.
When you are ready to indulge your sense of excitement, check out the range of water- sports opportunities at the resort’s on-site water-sports center. Want to leave your stress on the water? The resort has kayaks, paddleboards, or the low-key pedal boats. Snorkeling equipment is available as well, so you can experience the ever-changing undersea environment.
Not only do visitors to a bed and breakfast get a unique perspective on the place they are visiting, they have options for special packages not available in other hotel settings. Bed and breakfasts can partner easily with local businesses for a smoothly organized and highly personalized vacation experience. The Fife and Drum Inn offers options such as the Historic Triangle Package that includes three nights at the Inn, breakfasts, and admissions to historic Williamsburg, Jamestown, and Yorktown. Bed and breakfasts also lend themselves to romance.
Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced
Helpful hosts can design guest packages built around proposals, anniversaries, or just a special getaway. Visit fifeanddruminn.com for more details about how a bed and breakfast makes for a memorable travel experience.
Part of the charm of a bed and breakfast is the uniqueness; art, décor, and food are integrated to create a complete experience. For example, the Fife and Drum retains the colonial feel of the area in all its guest rooms. Special features include antique furnishings, elegant four poster beds in some guest rooms, as well folk art and artifacts from the restoration period of the historic area available for guests to enjoy.
Many bed and breakfasts are historic properties, often located in the center of scenic areas. The Fife and Drum Inn has been part of Sharon’s family for generations. The building was constructed in 1933 by her grandfather as a combination of stores with apartments above, and is a short walk to the sights and sounds of Colonial Williamsburg, including the holiday Grand Illumination fireworks display.
Travellers seeking a personal touch and insider stories would do well to consider staying at a local bed and breakfast (B&B).B&Bs “are more intimate, with much more personal attention.
“Sunset at the Palms invites travel enthusiasts to experience the healing warmth of the ever-present sunshine” says Ian Kerr, managing director. The white-sand beaches and tropical foliage in the heart of Negril is designed to provide a truly serene, intimate, and restorative getaway.
Luxury travel is back. The pandemic-weary population is emerging from lockdowns with the goal of relaxing and reviving senses dulled by one zoom meeting too many. Whether it is finally taking the postponed honeymoon, or just getting some time away from home, travellers seeking a uniquely restorative experience can find it at Sunset at the Palms, a boutique Jamaican resort with the tagline, “Sensory Magic”.
Don’t wait. The purpose of our lives is to be happy!
Upon arrival, your senses will be rewarded with the pleasant scent of lemongrass oil used to clean the natural wood found throughout the room, creating a relaxing atmosphere within the space.
A wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet mornings of spring which I enjoy with my whole heart. I am alone, and feel the charm of existence in this spot, which was created for the bliss of souls like mine. I am so happy, my dear friend, so absorbed in the exquisite.
The promotion includes a series of tasting events, and more than 45 area restaurants offer specially created three-course meals priced at $37. celebrates the area’s distinctive fusion of flavors that Greater Fort Lauderdale has to offer. The promotion includes a series of tasting events, and more than 45 area restaurants offer specially- created three-course meals priced at $37.
Sunset at the Palms offers an indulgent, adults-only experience. The resort has always featured its own version of “social distancing,” with just 85 rooms and 25 acres of beachfront and gardens for maximum privacy.
[blockquote align=”none” author=”Steve Jobs”]Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking[/blockquote]
You have the choice of rooms or suites, in one of the resorts “treehouses,” an individual Asian-inspired bungalow featuring private balconies located within lush gardens for privacy, but just steps from the beach, with full amenities, including wi-fi, king-size beds, and luxurious bathrooms.
The Best Restaurants In The Sunset
Sunset at the Palms tantalizes the taste buds with dining options including buffets, a la carte restaurants, room service, and private beach bar and grill amenities. The resort showcases the tastes of the island with Caribbean fusion cuisine, while providing a range of dining options to suit all tastes.
A wonderful moment for enjoying life
“Sunset at the Palms invites travel enthusiasts to experience the healing warmth of the ever-present sunshine,” says Ian Kerr, managing director. The white-sand beaches and tropical foliage in the heart of Negril is designed to provide a truly serene, intimate, and restorative getaway.
Enjoy the menu with many selections:
Buttermilk Pancakes – Available with Strawberry, Cherry, Blueberry, or Apple topping.
Short Stack – An order of two large, fluffy pancakes, available with fruit, nuts, or chocolate topping.
Malted Waffle – A large Belgian waffle made with malted batter.
French Toast – Three slices of Texas toast dipped in a creamy batter.
A weekly cocktail party adds spice to the experience. Relaxing. At the resort’s Ginger Lily Spa, “our mission is to help you relax,” says Kamarla Simms, general manager. Curate your experience from a menu of wraps, scrubs, massages, and facial treatments designed to help you unwind and rejuvenate. A full-service beauty salon is available, along with manicure and pedicure services.
Not how long, but how well you have lived is the main thing.
When you are ready to indulge your sense of excitement, check out the range of water- sports opportunities at the resort’s on-site water-sports center. Want to leave your stress on the water? The resort has kayaks, paddleboards, or the low-key pedal boats. Snorkeling equipment is available as well, so you can experience the ever-changing undersea environment.
Not only do visitors to a bed and breakfast get a unique perspective on the place they are visiting, they have options for special packages not available in other hotel settings. Bed and breakfasts can partner easily with local businesses for a smoothly organized and highly personalized vacation experience. The Fife and Drum Inn offers options such as the Historic Triangle Package that includes three nights at the Inn, breakfasts, and admissions to historic Williamsburg, Jamestown, and Yorktown. Bed and breakfasts also lend themselves to romance.
Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced
Helpful hosts can design guest packages built around proposals, anniversaries, or just a special getaway. Visit fifeanddruminn.com for more details about how a bed and breakfast makes for a memorable travel experience.
Part of the charm of a bed and breakfast is the uniqueness; art, décor, and food are integrated to create a complete experience. For example, the Fife and Drum retains the colonial feel of the area in all its guest rooms. Special features include antique furnishings, elegant four poster beds in some guest rooms, as well folk art and artifacts from the restoration period of the historic area available for guests to enjoy.
Many bed and breakfasts are historic properties, often located in the center of scenic areas. The Fife and Drum Inn has been part of Sharon’s family for generations. The building was constructed in 1933 by her grandfather as a combination of stores with apartments above, and is a short walk to the sights and sounds of Colonial Williamsburg, including the holiday Grand Illumination fireworks display.
Travellers seeking a personal touch and insider stories would do well to consider staying at a local bed and breakfast (B&B).B&Bs “are more intimate, with much more personal attention.
“Sunset at the Palms invites travel enthusiasts to experience the healing warmth of the ever-present sunshine” says Ian Kerr, managing director. The white-sand beaches and tropical foliage in the heart of Negril is designed to provide a truly serene, intimate, and restorative getaway.
Luxury travel is back. The pandemic-weary population is emerging from lockdowns with the goal of relaxing and reviving senses dulled by one zoom meeting too many. Whether it is finally taking the postponed honeymoon, or just getting some time away from home, travellers seeking a uniquely restorative experience can find it at Sunset at the Palms, a boutique Jamaican resort with the tagline, “Sensory Magic”.
Don’t wait. The purpose of our lives is to be happy!
Upon arrival, your senses will be rewarded with the pleasant scent of lemongrass oil used to clean the natural wood found throughout the room, creating a relaxing atmosphere within the space.
A wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet mornings of spring which I enjoy with my whole heart. I am alone, and feel the charm of existence in this spot, which was created for the bliss of souls like mine. I am so happy, my dear friend, so absorbed in the exquisite.
The promotion includes a series of tasting events, and more than 45 area restaurants offer specially created three-course meals priced at $37. celebrates the area’s distinctive fusion of flavors that Greater Fort Lauderdale has to offer. The promotion includes a series of tasting events, and more than 45 area restaurants offer specially- created three-course meals priced at $37.
Sunset at the Palms offers an indulgent, adults-only experience. The resort has always featured its own version of “social distancing,” with just 85 rooms and 25 acres of beachfront and gardens for maximum privacy.
[blockquote align=”none” author=”Steve Jobs”]Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking[/blockquote]
You have the choice of rooms or suites, in one of the resorts “treehouses,” an individual Asian-inspired bungalow featuring private balconies located within lush gardens for privacy, but just steps from the beach, with full amenities, including wi-fi, king-size beds, and luxurious bathrooms.
The Best Restaurants In The Sunset
Sunset at the Palms tantalizes the taste buds with dining options including buffets, a la carte restaurants, room service, and private beach bar and grill amenities. The resort showcases the tastes of the island with Caribbean fusion cuisine, while providing a range of dining options to suit all tastes.
A wonderful moment for enjoying life
“Sunset at the Palms invites travel enthusiasts to experience the healing warmth of the ever-present sunshine,” says Ian Kerr, managing director. The white-sand beaches and tropical foliage in the heart of Negril is designed to provide a truly serene, intimate, and restorative getaway.
Enjoy the menu with many selections:
Buttermilk Pancakes – Available with Strawberry, Cherry, Blueberry, or Apple topping.
Short Stack – An order of two large, fluffy pancakes, available with fruit, nuts, or chocolate topping.
Malted Waffle – A large Belgian waffle made with malted batter.
French Toast – Three slices of Texas toast dipped in a creamy batter.
A weekly cocktail party adds spice to the experience. Relaxing. At the resort’s Ginger Lily Spa, “our mission is to help you relax,” says Kamarla Simms, general manager. Curate your experience from a menu of wraps, scrubs, massages, and facial treatments designed to help you unwind and rejuvenate. A full-service beauty salon is available, along with manicure and pedicure services.
Not how long, but how well you have lived is the main thing.
When you are ready to indulge your sense of excitement, check out the range of water- sports opportunities at the resort’s on-site water-sports center. Want to leave your stress on the water? The resort has kayaks, paddleboards, or the low-key pedal boats. Snorkeling equipment is available as well, so you can experience the ever-changing undersea environment.
Not only do visitors to a bed and breakfast get a unique perspective on the place they are visiting, they have options for special packages not available in other hotel settings. Bed and breakfasts can partner easily with local businesses for a smoothly organized and highly personalized vacation experience. The Fife and Drum Inn offers options such as the Historic Triangle Package that includes three nights at the Inn, breakfasts, and admissions to historic Williamsburg, Jamestown, and Yorktown. Bed and breakfasts also lend themselves to romance.
Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced
Helpful hosts can design guest packages built around proposals, anniversaries, or just a special getaway. Visit fifeanddruminn.com for more details about how a bed and breakfast makes for a memorable travel experience.
Part of the charm of a bed and breakfast is the uniqueness; art, décor, and food are integrated to create a complete experience. For example, the Fife and Drum retains the colonial feel of the area in all its guest rooms. Special features include antique furnishings, elegant four poster beds in some guest rooms, as well folk art and artifacts from the restoration period of the historic area available for guests to enjoy.
Many bed and breakfasts are historic properties, often located in the center of scenic areas. The Fife and Drum Inn has been part of Sharon’s family for generations. The building was constructed in 1933 by her grandfather as a combination of stores with apartments above, and is a short walk to the sights and sounds of Colonial Williamsburg, including the holiday Grand Illumination fireworks display.
Travellers seeking a personal touch and insider stories would do well to consider staying at a local bed and breakfast (B&B).B&Bs “are more intimate, with much more personal attention.
“Sunset at the Palms invites travel enthusiasts to experience the healing warmth of the ever-present sunshine” says Ian Kerr, managing director. The white-sand beaches and tropical foliage in the heart of Negril is designed to provide a truly serene, intimate, and restorative getaway.
Luxury travel is back. The pandemic-weary population is emerging from lockdowns with the goal of relaxing and reviving senses dulled by one zoom meeting too many. Whether it is finally taking the postponed honeymoon, or just getting some time away from home, travellers seeking a uniquely restorative experience can find it at Sunset at the Palms, a boutique Jamaican resort with the tagline, “Sensory Magic”.
Don’t wait. The purpose of our lives is to be happy!
Upon arrival, your senses will be rewarded with the pleasant scent of lemongrass oil used to clean the natural wood found throughout the room, creating a relaxing atmosphere within the space.
A wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet mornings of spring which I enjoy with my whole heart. I am alone, and feel the charm of existence in this spot, which was created for the bliss of souls like mine. I am so happy, my dear friend, so absorbed in the exquisite.
The promotion includes a series of tasting events, and more than 45 area restaurants offer specially created three-course meals priced at $37. celebrates the area’s distinctive fusion of flavors that Greater Fort Lauderdale has to offer. The promotion includes a series of tasting events, and more than 45 area restaurants offer specially- created three-course meals priced at $37.
Sunset at the Palms offers an indulgent, adults-only experience. The resort has always featured its own version of “social distancing,” with just 85 rooms and 25 acres of beachfront and gardens for maximum privacy.
[blockquote align=”none” author=”Steve Jobs”]Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking[/blockquote]
You have the choice of rooms or suites, in one of the resorts “treehouses,” an individual Asian-inspired bungalow featuring private balconies located within lush gardens for privacy, but just steps from the beach, with full amenities, including wi-fi, king-size beds, and luxurious bathrooms.
The Best Restaurants In The Sunset
Sunset at the Palms tantalizes the taste buds with dining options including buffets, a la carte restaurants, room service, and private beach bar and grill amenities. The resort showcases the tastes of the island with Caribbean fusion cuisine, while providing a range of dining options to suit all tastes.
A wonderful moment for enjoying life
“Sunset at the Palms invites travel enthusiasts to experience the healing warmth of the ever-present sunshine,” says Ian Kerr, managing director. The white-sand beaches and tropical foliage in the heart of Negril is designed to provide a truly serene, intimate, and restorative getaway.
Enjoy the menu with many selections:
Buttermilk Pancakes – Available with Strawberry, Cherry, Blueberry, or Apple topping.
Short Stack – An order of two large, fluffy pancakes, available with fruit, nuts, or chocolate topping.
Malted Waffle – A large Belgian waffle made with malted batter.
French Toast – Three slices of Texas toast dipped in a creamy batter.
A weekly cocktail party adds spice to the experience. Relaxing. At the resort’s Ginger Lily Spa, “our mission is to help you relax,” says Kamarla Simms, general manager. Curate your experience from a menu of wraps, scrubs, massages, and facial treatments designed to help you unwind and rejuvenate. A full-service beauty salon is available, along with manicure and pedicure services.
Not how long, but how well you have lived is the main thing.
When you are ready to indulge your sense of excitement, check out the range of water- sports opportunities at the resort’s on-site water-sports center. Want to leave your stress on the water? The resort has kayaks, paddleboards, or the low-key pedal boats. Snorkeling equipment is available as well, so you can experience the ever-changing undersea environment.
Not only do visitors to a bed and breakfast get a unique perspective on the place they are visiting, they have options for special packages not available in other hotel settings. Bed and breakfasts can partner easily with local businesses for a smoothly organized and highly personalized vacation experience. The Fife and Drum Inn offers options such as the Historic Triangle Package that includes three nights at the Inn, breakfasts, and admissions to historic Williamsburg, Jamestown, and Yorktown. Bed and breakfasts also lend themselves to romance.
Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced
Helpful hosts can design guest packages built around proposals, anniversaries, or just a special getaway. Visit fifeanddruminn.com for more details about how a bed and breakfast makes for a memorable travel experience.
Part of the charm of a bed and breakfast is the uniqueness; art, décor, and food are integrated to create a complete experience. For example, the Fife and Drum retains the colonial feel of the area in all its guest rooms. Special features include antique furnishings, elegant four poster beds in some guest rooms, as well folk art and artifacts from the restoration period of the historic area available for guests to enjoy.
Many bed and breakfasts are historic properties, often located in the center of scenic areas. The Fife and Drum Inn has been part of Sharon’s family for generations. The building was constructed in 1933 by her grandfather as a combination of stores with apartments above, and is a short walk to the sights and sounds of Colonial Williamsburg, including the holiday Grand Illumination fireworks display.
Travellers seeking a personal touch and insider stories would do well to consider staying at a local bed and breakfast (B&B).B&Bs “are more intimate, with much more personal attention.
“Sunset at the Palms invites travel enthusiasts to experience the healing warmth of the ever-present sunshine” says Ian Kerr, managing director. The white-sand beaches and tropical foliage in the heart of Negril is designed to provide a truly serene, intimate, and restorative getaway.